Strategic Design & Innovation

In a co-creation environment, I connect forward-looking ideas with market realities, blending creativity and strategic execution throughout the innovation process, from envisioning future scenarios to crafting compelling visions, engaging stakeholders, guiding strategic planning, developing value propositions, and conducting customer validation.

Selection of projects

Future Scenarios

  • The Face of AI

    With the goal of expanding the company patent portfolio, I co-facilitated and collaborated with a multi-disciplinary team of researchers, designers and topic experts to sketch alternatives scenarios and write a series of narratives projecting what would future interactions with AI look like.

  • Surgery 2030

    As a foundation for the development of a vision and strategy in the domain of surgical interventions, I guided the development of future scenarios and directed their translation into tangible brand positioning messaging and visuals.

  • Future of Urban Mobility

    Hosted by the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies (CIFS), I joined a team of forward-thinkers to explore plausible futures of urban mobility and reflect on what might be next strategic imperatives for mobility companies.

Strategic Planning

  • Virtual Care Horizons

    Within a team of 40+ researchers, designers and business developers, I coordinated the development of the Strategic Horizons and Key Enablers required to grow towards a virtual care service company.

  • Blockchain Lab

    With leading industry and NGO partners who collaborated in a Blockchain Think Tank, I directed the conceptualization and prototyping of use cases to inform company investment decisions in Trustless Systems adoption. We investigated opportunities around Vaccines delivery, Supply chain optimization, and Health data management.

  • Precisions Diagnostics Ventures

    To accelerate adoption of accessible and digitally integrated care networks and enhance company position in ecosystem, I supported the venturing team in framing their Strategic Horizons, prioritising their innovation portfolio, and detailing most critical enablers.

Value proposition Creation

  • Wearable Diagnostics

    In order to help clinicians improve the quality and access of wearable cardiology diagnostics, I assisted the research and business teams in user needs discovery, value proposition and business model development, concept prototyping and customer validation.

  • AI Powered Cardiology

    In interventional cardiology labs, clinicians have to deal with an increasing amount of data and documentation. Our team set to reduce the menial aspects of the workflow to free up time to focus on clinical tasks, with automated data integration, AI powered documentation and reporting. I guided the end-to-end value proposition development from need discovery to market segmentation, pricing analysis, and UX direction.

  • Personalized Nutrition

    To promote adoption of Healthy Eating as a driver for personal health, I led a series of Value Propositions development and customer validation activities around specific Personalized Nutrition need spaces such as Healthy Pregnancy, Better Sleep, and Diabetes Management.